So you hate your job?

Wherever you are…

  • Fry cook at McDonald’s
  • Working on an assembly line at the Chevrolet plant.
  • Have an accounting job. 
  • If you’re in a sales job that’s sucking the life out of you.
  • Or if you’re working in something you despise, I’ve got hope for you today.

If you hate your job, before you quit and chuck away everything, I want you to hear me out. The key to a new life may well be found in the next few minutes of this video. I’ve got five simple, kindergarten-like steps to take to understand your situation and find a new path in work. 

Step 1: Acknowledge the Pain

  • Those who deny reality suffer from “denialism” or a condition that denies reality in order to avoid psychologically uncomfortable truth.
  • If you clicked on this video, you may very well be in pain. The first step if you hate your job is to accept that situation: you don’t like where you are. 

Step 2: Understand this is normal.

  • According to, 49% of employees are happy with their current job. That means that 51% of employees are unhappy with their current job.  
  • Whatever negative emotion you’re experiencing right now about your job, it’s likely justified. And if you hate your job – join the club.  

Step 3: God is Using This Situation for Good

  • Whatever issues you’re facing, God is in control.
  • And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
  • If you are a Christian and you love God – everything you’re going through works together for good according to the greater purposes God has.
    • Do you hate your job? God will use it.
    • Do you dread your next commute? God sees you.
    • Do you worry about what will happen if you quit? God knows about that too.

Step 4: Expand Your Horizons

According to the U.S. Census Bureau data in November 2021, the population of foreign-born population in the United States rose to 46.2 million.

One story of a successful immigrant is from Forbes and Stuart Anderson:

“Linda Zhang, the chief engineer behind the new all-electric Ford F- 150, immigrated to America as a child from China. “She came here at 8, speaking zero English,” reported MSNBC. “She learned the first part of the alphabet, ABCDEFGH, the first eight letters of the alphabet, on the plane on the way over to America, but that was her entire knowledge of English by the time she landed. She learned quickly. By the end of her family’s first year here, she was fluent in English. Started to do great in school. She and her family were from China. Her dad had come over to be a grad student at Purdue in Indiana, and that’s how she and her family moved here when she was 8 years old.”

These 46.2 million people and Linda Zhang’s family immigrated to the United States because of all the opportunity we have in this country. And you have that same opportunity as well – possibly more. If you live in the United States, you won the lottery. Catch a vision for a greater future.  

Step 5: Read a Book

Here are two book recommendations for anyone in a job they hate and they’re looking for a way out:

  • From Paycheck to Purpose by Ken Coleman.
  • 48 Days to the Work You Love by Dan Miller

All the best!