Want to work from home and make more than minimum wage? By now you probably know there’s plenty of work at home jobs out there. 

  • Gig economy
  • Data entry
  • Filling out surveys

This is a good start, but what if you want more? 

Did you realize there are many remote, work-from-home positions that pay a very healthy compensation – with many paying over $100,000/year. And wearing pants is optional.

Before we talk about these high-paying remote jobs, you should know there are plenty of scammy companies out there. That’s why for this video we’re not looking at companies, but the five types of work you should be looking into that will pay 6-figures or more. And stick around to the end for a bonus tip to find the latest positions that are actually hiring right now.   

I’ve worked at home full-time and part-time for over a decade at this point. I’ve been paid a little, I’ve been paid a lot to work from home and I’ve learned some things along my path for location independence. Today, I want to share those with you. These are 5 high-paying remote, work-at-home roles…

1. Social media manager

If you’re good at social media (not everyone is), this may be a perfect role for you. Many small business owners don’t know about how to run Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok, and even YouTube. Multiple businesses can pay you $300-500-1000/mo of recurring revenue per month which can help you earn 6-figures per year.

2. Programmer/Coder/Software Engineer 

Do you Enjoy writing software. Do you know coding languages like Python, Javascript, Java, C, or others? Some people really enjoy coding and are good at it.  The money that’s possible coding for other companies is really hard to believe. 

One guy even quit a $450K/Year job working at Netflix. The money coders make can be obscene. Here’s a list of high-paying programming jobs: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/pay-salary/highest-paying-software-jobs

3. Sales

Sales is the lifeblood of the business. Good salespeople move business forward in any industry. Salespeople can make $40K/year or $340K/year.

Here’s a few sales roles with compensation 6-figures or more:

4. Digital Marketing Consultant 

The average compensation for a digital marketing consultant is currently around $70,000 per year. But many marketing consultants make way above six-figures.

Here’s the average compensation:

5. Business Owner 

Working for people has its perks. But owning a business is also a great gig. You could start a work-at-home business like an ecommerce business, a YouTube channel, or a dropshipping company. You could also buy a business.

Here are 40 work-at-home business ideas:

Bonus: Latest Highest Paying Remote Jobs

Here’s a secret hack to discover the latest, high-paying work-at-home positions:

Or you can go to Indeed.com: search for “remote” and modify the search for “$50.00/hr”

The Bible reminds us, “The hand of the diligent will rule, while the slothful will be put to forced labor.” (Proverbs 12:24). The benefits of diligence will turn into influence and leadership. The cost of laziness will turn into slavery. All the best.