You know you want to work from home. You know you want to enjoy the location independence that all those YouTubers boast about — maybe even some of your friends. But you’re just not sure how to do it. 

In this video, I simplify the process for landing your first remote job. Even if you have zero experience working from home. And it’s surprisingly simple. Let’s do this.

Hi I’m Brandon. I’ve worked from home for over a decade both full-time and part-time. It’s a great setup to help you avoid commuting, bypass pesky coworkers, and enjoy more time and location freedom than you ever have working the 9-to-5 or 11-7  or your 7-to whenever.

There’s a lot of remote jobs on the market. According to Gallup, September 2021, 45% of remote workers were working partly or fully remote. That’s nearly half the job market. Now the pandemic has subsided and more workers are moving back to the office — but the remote work space will never be the same. And you may want to join the ranks of the remote job army. Right now, I want to show you how to land your first remote job even if you’ve never worked at home before. Also, stick around to the end for a bonus tip on how to do this 

Assumptions on Landing Your First Remote Job

Before I give you the steps, I want to lay out 5 assumptions.

  • You have a strong motivation to work from home. Ex. Family obligations, physical limitations, or desire for location independence.   
  • You’re looking to make around $20-30K starting.
    You’re not capped at that income level – you’re just trying to get started. 
  • You’re NOT trying to build a business. Ex. No Shopify stores, Amazon Dropshipping, or even freelance business.  
  • You already have a computer and basic software — or you have plans to get them soon.

Three opportunities to help you escape from the traditional work force and join the remote work revolution. 

1. Microtasks

  • Video captions 
  • Testing websites and apps
  • Helping with machine learning tasks
  • Monitoring social media
  • Search engine evaluation
  • Business listing verification


Microtask sources:

Microtask Math

  • 250 work days per year x $80/day = $20,000/year
  • 250 work days per year x $120/day = $30,000/year
  • Data Entry Clerk

2. Data Entry Clerk

“Data entry clerks gather data and capture the information into databases. This may include gathering documents from various sources. This may also include extracting information from these materials, capturing data into databases and storing hard copies.” Source:

Jobs for “Data Entry” Clerks: 

3. Virtual Assistant

  • Answer phone calls and respond to emails.
  • Schedule meetings with clients.
  • Manage travel plans for employees.
  • Issue invoices to clients.
  • Update the company website and social media accounts.


Jobs for “Virtual Assistants:

Bonus Tip: The Remote Work Market Needs Your Help 

  • The trends are shifting to a remote work world. 
  • More people than ever are working from home than ever.
  • This is a good time to jump on the trend and ride it to a better work-life balance. 

Quote for the Day: Genesis 2:15

“The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” 

  • Work has been a part of creation since the beginning.
  • Work is a normal part of life and can be miserable or it can be more enjoyable.
  • Remote work may be one way to make life a little more enjoyable.

To learn more about some of the benefits from working at home, check out this video right here where we dive into 7 awesome benefits of remote work.